Unlearning for a thrivable future
A draft compendium for educatorsCoordinationg Editor: Marilyn Mehlmann
Cover Art by: Boris Goldammer and Suiko Betsy McCall
Published: 2023
Language: English
Pages: 64
Project: Transformational, cross-cutting people skills for the SDGs – TRACCskills
Exploring “soft skills” for sustainable development.
In this project we asked ourselves: what ‘people skills’ help lead us away from hopelessness or greed and their bed-fellows apathy, hedonism, fear, aggression and hatred, towards a peaceful society based on the IDGs, and on unconditional respect for all beings, love, compassion and inclusion? And how can we foster such skills in various formal and non-formal adult educational contexts?
Anyone in any educational or transitional context can ask themselves these questions, and the present Compendium is for all of us. We make no claim to have reached definitive answers. This Compendium is the outcome of a 14-month exploration of the experience and wisdom of our networks in the formal and non-formal adult educational contexts.
The Compendium is offered as a beginning rather than an end, in the hope that continued exploration by more and more educators and practitioners will yield better and better responses.