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About membership

Legacy17 is a member-owned Cooperative Association (not a charitable association). A part of the purpose of a cooperative association (under Swedish law) is to benefit its members. So, we are members as individuals, in a professional capacity, each with our own activities and networks, coming together as professionals to support each other and in the best case to find ways to work together.
There are no explicit duties, except to support and comply with any decisions made by the highest governing body. That is the AGM (Annual General Meeting) of the association where any member may put forward suggestions, and each member has one vote.
The rights are: 
  • To be featured as a member on the Legacy17 web site, which includes a page for your own use
  • To receive regular updates on the activities of other members, sometimes including preferential rates for events
  • To be invited to attend the monthly online meetings, including the possibility of ‘bringing’ guests
  • To be invited to Facilitators’ Community of Practice meetings once a month, in a constellation that has been registered as an Inner Development Goals (IDG) hub (network)
  • To be invited to join a Legacy17 project when appropriate, either as a team member or as a partner organisation; and to propose Legacy17 as a base or partner for a project of your own

How to become a member

New members are nominated by an existing member.

Should you decide to accept a nomination, the formalities of becoming a member look like this:
Up to the following Annual General Meeting, AGM, you are regarded as a member and are invited to participate in our network events etc. Once your nomination is ratified by the AGM, you will become a part-owner of Legacy17 cooperative association on the one-time payment of 50 EUR. For the year of ratification, you are exempt from the annual membership donation (nominally €100). 

After ratification we will also invite you to be part of our Members Gallery, with a photo and a mini bio of your design.

You will be invited to partake in the monthly members’ meeting, on the last Wednesday of each month via Zoom – a good way to meet some of our amazing members and get a better idea of what this community is about. 

In fact, if exploring becoming a member looks attractive to you, joining one of these meetings may be a way to start.  Drop us a line :-).